Study Of Brazil Question Preview (ID: 49120)
Study Important Aspects Of The Country Of Brazil.
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Brazil is the _____ country in South America?
a) Largest
b) 2nd Largest
c) 3rd Largest
What country's influence and control, beginning in the 1500's, determined the dominant language spoken in Brazil?
a) Great Britain/English
b) Portugal/Portuguese
c) Spain/Spanish
Brazil established their independence from Portugal on what date?
a) September 7th, 1750
b) September 7th, 1822
c) September 7th, 1905
Brazil's citizen's approximate life expectancy is?
a) 59 years of age
b) 65 years of age
c) 73 years of age
Brazil is the World's leading producer of?
a) wheat
b) iron ore
c) coal
Brazil's capital city is?
a) Rio De Janiero
b) Brasilia
c) Buenos Aires
Brazil's largest river and also the 2nd largest river in the World is the?
a) Euphrates
b) Amazon
c) Nile
In 2006, Brazil announced the discovery of what natural resource and mineral, off shore, that makes Brazil the 2nd greatest of this resource in South America, behind Argentina?
a) Oil
b) Coal
c) Gypsum
What is the name of the largest oil and gas producer in Brazil?
a) Exxon Mobil
b) Kerr McGee
c) Petrobras
Brazil's largest trading partner, for exported and imported goods is?
a) Chile
b) China
c) Canada
Brazil's money unit is called the?
a) Peso
b) Brazilian Real
c) Euro
Brazil's government type is?
a) Federal Republic
b) Communist
c) Fascist
Brazil's most problematic and disputed border area, that involves a lot of criminal activity, including smuggling of arms and drugs and money laundering is?
a) Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
b) Columbia, Bolivia, Brazil
c) Brazil, Ecuador, Chile
The World's largest forest, which takes up a lot of the Northwestern part of Brazil, is called?
a) Amazon Rainforest
b) Calebra Rainforest
c) Chupacabra Rainforest
The most significant agricultural product produced in Brazil is?
a) bananas
b) asparagus
c) coffee
Brazil has the _____ highest Gross Domestic Product in the World, out of 185 countries?
a) 8th
b) 30th
c) 185th
Portugal colonized the Brazil region with the idea and plan to grow and sell, what?
a) potatoes
b) sugar cane
c) cotton
In the early 1900s, coffee made up over 50 percent of Brazil's exported items, the problem created was _____, because when global demand of this item went down, the Brazil economy would go into a tailspin and drop?
a) overstock
b) over reliance
c) neither answer is correct
Many Brazilians, who move in to the city for work, even though part of the middle class, have to live in slums called _____, where violence and corruption exist?
a) tents
b) huts
c) favelas
Part of the ugly side of the Columbian Exchange that affected Brazil was that 35% of _____ ended up being brought over from Africa, for agriculture labor use?
a) gauchos
b) slaves
c) vatos
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