Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde--Test 4 Question Preview (ID: 49111)

Vocabulary Test 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Trifle (Verb)
a) To toy around with; to waste time or money
b) Without sense or human feeling lacking sensation, unconscious
c) Quiet, deeply serious
d) A slight degree of small amount

Trifle (Noun)
a) A slight degree of small amount
b) In a manner of being heard, aloud
c) Glowing with unnatural redness, harshly shocking, revolting
d) Appearance, facial expression

a) In a manner of being heard, aloud
b) Appearance, facial expression
c) To toy around with; to waste time or money
d) Without sense of human feeling, lacking sensation, unconscious

a) Quiet, deeply serious
b) Without sense of human feeling, lacking sensation, unconscious
c) A slight degree of small amount
d) In a manner of being heard, aloud

a) Quiet, deeply serious
b) In a manner of being heard, aloud
c) Glowing with unnatural redness, harshly shocking, revolting
d) Appearance, facial expression

a) In a manner of being heard, aloud
b) Glowing with unnatural redness, harshly shocking, revolting
c) Appearance, facial expression
d) To toy around with; to waste time or money

a) Glowing with unnatural redness, harshly shocking, revolting
b) To toy around with; to waste time or money
c) Without sense or human feeling, lacking sensation, unconscious
d) Quiet, deeply serious

From the first day of school, the members of the 8th grade class were accused of saying one thing but doing another.
a) Odious
b) Luxury
c) Disinter
d) Hypocrisy

His disfigured face made it difficult to look at him.
a) Hypocrisy
b) Deformity
c) Odious
d) Luxury

He was caught late at night digging up graves in the cemetery.
a) Luxury
b) Disinter
c) Deformity
d) Conflagration

She was too sweet to be attacked, but it happened.
a) Conflagration
b) Assail
c) Hypocrisy
d) Odious

The 7th grade class does not need an help in being hateful.
a) Odious
b) Luxury
c) Disinter
d) Deformity

It was lure enjoyment being on the cruise ship for a week.
a) Deformity
b) Luxury
c) Conflagration
d) Assail

The inferno left all of downtown Perdido in ashes.
a) Assail
b) Hypocrisy
c) Conflagration
d) Luxury

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