DNA QUIZ REVIEW 2019 Question Preview (ID: 49101)
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The sides of the DNA ladder are made of alternating......
a) Phosphate and Sugars
b) Sugars and Oxygen
c) Phosphate and ATP
d) Adenine and Thymine
DNA is made up of A, T, C, G's. What are these four pieces of DNA called?
a) phosphates
b) hydrogen bonds
c) nitrogen bases
d) deoxyribose sugars
A 'home plate' or 'pentagon' represents which part of the DNA molecule?
a) deoxyribose sugars
b) phosphates
c) hydrogen bonds
d) cytosine
When dealing with DNA, the fancy name for sugar is....
a) glucose
b) deoxyribose
c) sucrose
d) guanine
The two sides of the DNA molecule are held together by....
a) hydrogen bonds
b) nitrogen bases
c) deoxyribose sugars
d) DNA molecules
A 'circle' shape represents a __________ on a DNA molecule.
a) sugars
b) phosphates
c) thymine
d) bonds
DNA will be found in what organelle?
a) nucleus
b) mitochondria
c) chloroplast
d) ribosome
The 'fathers' of DNA are....
a) Mendel and Watson
b) Watson and Cricket
c) Crick and Watson
d) Simon and Garfunkel
DNA is a ....
a) double straned molecule
b) triple stranded molecule
c) single stranded molecule
A phosphate, sugar, nitrogen base make up a....
a) nucleotide
b) nucleic acid
c) nucleosome
d) DNA double helix
Which replication is correct? ATG CGA TTA
What is it called when DNA makes an exact copy of itself?
a) DNA Replication
b) DNA Copying
c) DNA Mutations
Adenine always pairs with...
a) Thymine
b) Adenine
c) Cytosine
d) Guanine
Thymine always pairs with...
a) Adenine
b) Thymine
c) Guanine
d) Cytosine
Cytosine always pairs with...
a) Guanine
b) Cytosine
c) Thymine
d) Adenine
Guanine always pairs with...
a) Thymine
b) Adenine
c) Cytosine
d) Guanine
The scientific term for the shape of DNA is...
a) double helix
b) double stranded
c) twisted ladder
d) DNA molecule
The building blocks of DNA are called...
a) deoxyribose sugars
b) amino acids
c) nitrogen bases
d) nucleotides
The correct spelling of DNA is....
a) deoxyribonucleic acid
b) deoxiribonucleic acid
c) deoxyribosenucleic acid
d) deoxyribonucliec acid
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