Unit 1: Section 3 Question Preview (ID: 49097)

Unit 1:section 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A patent is a document that
a) Allows an inventor to sell a new product
b) Protects an idea that belongs to the inventor.
c) Describes how the inventor thought of the idea.
d) IDK

Which sentence is complete?
a) TImes are tough.
b) Many challenges.
c) People across the nation.

Which sentence is complete?
a) Fats and oils in your diet.
b) Eating healthy food is important.
c) Five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
d) IDK

A copy of something
a) Model
b) Exist
c) Ability
d) IDK

Which sentence is complete?
a) Need fish to survive.
b) Have fins for swimming.
c) Penguins live mainly on ice.
d) IDK

TO be real
a) Exist
b) Solve
c) Model
d) IDK

To find the answer to a problem
a) Model
b) Solve
c) Device
d) IDK

To plan how to make or do something
a) Design
b) Exist
c) Ability
d) IDK

An opinion or idea
a) Device
b) Exist
c) Suggestion
d) IDK

Something to be figured out
a) Device
b) Problem
c) Design
d) IDK

A Tool
a) Device
b) Ability
c) Suggestion
d) IDK

The skill to do something
a) Design
b) Ability
c) Suggestion
d) IDK

When Josh Parsons made a glove out of paper, he was
a) Building a Model
b) Applying for a patent.
c) Considering a way for this glove to be used.
d) IDK

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