Sun, Earth, Moon Question Preview (ID: 49001)

5.8 A, B, C,D. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Sun appears to rise in the _________________.
a) east
b) west
c) north
d) south

The sun appears to set in the ________________.
a) east
b) west
c) north
d) south

When it is midnight on the earth, we are facing ________________ the sun.
a) toward
b) away

If Mrs. Watson shines a flashlight on a spinning globe, she is demonstrating ______
a) The length of the year which is caused by the Earth orbiting the sun.
b) The phases of the Moon are caused by the Earth's orbit around the moon.
c) The seasons are caused by the tilt of Earth's axis.
d) Day and night are caused by the rotation of Earth on its axis.

Which characteristic describes both the Earth and the moon?
a) The core temperature is 15 million degrees and craters are found on the surface.
b) Craters are found on the surface and the source of light is the sun.
c) Water covers most of the surface and craters are found on the surface
d) The source of light is the Sun and water covers most of the surface.

Which of the cycles is a direct result of the Earth's rotation?
a) Day and Night
b) Moon phases
c) Rainfall and evaporation
d) Seasons

Most of the Earth's surface is covered by ____________.
a) Ice
b) Rocks
c) Water
d) Craters

What is the most accurate explanation for the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky?
a) The moon's rotation.
b) The earth's revolution.
c) The earth's rotation.
d) The sun's rotation.

Which describes the orbital position of Earth in our solar system?
a) the planet between a belt of asteroids and a gas giant
b) the second of five ringed planets
c) the third rocky planet
d) the fourth gas giant

On which side of the house could a window be placed so that the people inside could see the sunrise?
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

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