Maniac Magee Book Review Game Question Preview (ID: 48974)

Novel Review Game. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is NOT an address that Maniac has in Two Mills?
a) 101 Band Shell Boulevard
b) 803 Oriole Street
c) 728 Sycamore Street
d) Elmwood Park Zoo

Which book does Amanda allow Maniac to borrow?
a) The Children's Crusade
b) The Little Engine That Could
c) Her B Encyclopedia
d) The Man Who Struck Out Willie Mays

What kind of deal does Maniac strike with Russell and Piper?
a) If they would go to the mall, he would untie their shoelaces.
b) If they would go to school, he would show they a shortcut to Mexico.
c) If they would do their homework, he would buy them new shoes.
d) If they would be nice to their older brother, he would buy them pizza.

What did Maniac get from Grayson as a Christmas present?
a) an encyclopedia
b) a baseball glove
c) a chocolate bar
d) a coupon for free pizza

What happened to Maniac's parents?
a) They were in a trolley crash and left him orphaned.
b) They got a divorce because they could not get along.
c) They were in a car accident and left him orphaned.
d) They were hit by a train and left him orphaned.

What was strange about Uncle Dan and Aunt Dot?
a) They alway had someone new staying in their house
b) They had 100 pet snakes.
c) They lived in the bandshell at the Elmwood Park Zoo.
d) They did not get along, so they had two of everything.

All are interesting things about dinner at the Pickwell's home EXCEPT?
a) No one even notices Manaic is at the dinner table until he is already gone.
b) They always have many people over.
c) Mrs. Puckwell has an amazing whistle to call them to dinner.
d) They make everyone eat on the floor.

Why does Amanda blame Mars Bar and not Maniac for tearing her book?
a) She trusts Manaic and knows what Mars Bar is capable of.
b) She heard he did it from the Cobras.
c) She saw what happened and knows Mars Bar did it.
d) Hester and Lester told her Mars Bar did it.

How does Maniac's relationship with Mars Bar change throughout the story.
a) First they are friends, but they learn to hate each other.
b) In the beginning they are orphans, but they both get adopted in the end.
c) At first, Mars Bar challenges Maniac all the time, but they end up friends.
d) At first , they hate each other, but they end up friends.

Who gets the finsterwallies?
a) Aunt Dot
b) Arnold Jones
c) George McNab
d) Maniac

Who was Maniac's FIRST friend in Two Mills?
a) John McNab
b) Grayson
c) Mars Bar
d) Amanda Beale

Who does not get along with her husband?
a) Aunt Dot
b) Mrs. Beale
c) Mrs. Pickwell
d) Maniac's Mom

Who is a former minor league baseball player?
a) Maniac
b) Earl Grayson
c) Mars Bar
d) John McNab

Who calls the main character kid?
a) John McNab
b) Amanda
c) Mrs. Beale
d) George McNab

What are the names of Amanda's siblings?
a) Russell and Piper
b) Missing Tooth and Screech
c) Hester and Lester
d) Mars Bar and Milkyway

Who calls the main character Jeffrey?
a) Mrs. Beale
b) Mrs. Pickwell
c) Amanda
d) George McNab

What are the names of John McNab's brothers?
a) Hester and Lester
b) Missing Tooth and Screech
c) Dot and Dan
d) Russell and Piper

Who were the Cobras?
a) School yard bullies
b) McNab's gang
c) Mars Bar's gang
d) Grayson's minor league team

Who was Jeffery Lionel?
a) Maniac
b) the Beale's pet dog
c) the grave digger
d) the owner of Cobble's Corner

Who threw the frogball?
a) John McNab
b) George McNab
c) Maniac
d) Mars Bar

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