MWS Fall Semester Exam Units 1-3 Review Question Preview (ID: 48973)

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This list best describes the characteristics of what? Economics gains Spreading their religious beliefs to others in different countries Expanding their army and creating new bases Political Power
a) Imperialism
b) Mercantalism
c) Containment
d) Isolationism

Imperial nations controlled many areas of the world by 1900. Which nation controlled the most territory at the beginning of the century? Question options:
a) Great Britain
b) United States
c) Japan
d) Germany

Industrialized nations were building empires in the late 19th and early 20th centuries because…
a) They needed new markets to produce goods and new markets to sell goods.
b) There was a need for colonies for their surplus populations
c) They wanted to increase globalization
d) They wanted to prevent civil war in China

Vision of some that white society must civilize societies perceived as uncivilized Religious motivations Humanitarian concerns : This list describes the ___________ motivations for imperialism.
a) Social
b) Economic
c) Political
d) Practical

Desire to appear powerful Strengthen national pride Provide security through military bases The list above describes the ___________ motivations for imperialism.
a) Political
b) Social
c) Economic
d) Theoretical

What caused workers to unite and create labor unions?
a) To help keep workers safe from unsanitary, corrupt, and dangerous working conditions.
b) Purchasing factories from the owners.
c) To eliminate health insurance provided by the employer.
d) To go back to cheaper primitive production methods.

Thesis statement: During The Second Industrial Revolution multiple inventions were created that improved the quality of life for people. Which answer below supports this thesis statement?
a) More social interaction after dark with the invention of the indoor electric lamp
b) Factories nearly eliminated the need for manual farm labor and many farm workers lost their jobs
c) More automobile production increased pollution in cities
d) Industrialization caused overcrowded and diseased cities

Which of the following is not an idea from the Enlightenment?
a) Kings should rule by divine right with absolute power.
b) Government exists to serve the people.
c) All citizens are born with natural rights to life, liberty, and property.
d) Use of reason can solve government problems.

All of the following are characteristics of Socialism except
a) The government determines what and how much food citizens eat
b) citizens have a right to determine what food to buy and eat
c) Citizens have the right to housing
d) Emphasis on community rather than on individual citizens

All of the following are characteristics of Communism except
a) Citizens have a right to housing
b) The government determines what and how much food citizens eat
c) Citizens are not allowed to own private property; the government controls all property
d) Emphasis on government ownership rather than individual ownership

The creation of labor unions during the 2nd industrial revolution was caused by what?
a) Factories were in awful working conditions due to Laissez-faire policies.
b) Many small towns were beginning to embrace despotism as a means of government
c) Manufacturing sales were falling behind Agricultural sales.
d) Employers wanting to revolt against workers.

The Scientific Revolution relied on the application of reason and scientific discovery to answer questions about the world. Which thinker below helped to advance the scientific revolution through his scientific application of reason?
a) Isaac Newton, a mathematician who discovered the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
b) John Locke, a philosopher who encouraged government to protect natural rights of citizens.
c) Adam Smith, an economist who urged the government to enact a laissez-faire system of economist and believed in mercantilism.
d) Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher who encouraged absolute monarchy.

How was the French Revolution inspired by the Enlightenment?
a) The concept of the social contract encouraged French peasants to overthrow their unfair government and form a new one.
b) Artists of the Renaissance inspired creativity among French monarchs.
c) French citizens liked Czar Nicholas II of Russia’s belief in the Divine Right of Kings to rule people with absolute power.
d) Napoleon’s conquests allowed natives in conquered areas to embrace their own culture.

Adam Smith applied Enlightenment ideas of reason to his economic philosophy of laissez-faire and a free market economy. Which statement below best explains his concept of natural law in the government’s role in the economic lives of its citizens?
a) The government should control trade.
b) High taxes for the poor and low taxes for the rich.
c) The government stays out of business regulation to let the people operate as they please.
d) Agriculture based on tenant farming and serfdom.

Which statement below does NOT support the Enlightenment concept of social contract – the government gets its power from the people?
a) “The person of the king is sacred and to attack him in any way is to attack religion itself. The respect given to a king is
b) “Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions.”
c) All human beings are born free ; equal with a right to life and liberty. It is the duty of government to protect these rights
d) “Good government stresses the importance of its citizens and accepts the rights of the individual.”

Truth could be learned through experience and investigation, Challenge established ideologies. This will lead to the Enlightenment and eventually political revolutions; Creation of the scientific method will lead to modern science.
a) These statements are representative of the time period after the Scientific Revolution
b) These statements are representative of the time period prior to the Scientific Revolution
c) These statements are representative of the time period prior to and after the Scientific Revolution
d) These statements to do not represent any time period

Truth is revealed solely through the Bible and the Church; Citizens should accept kings and absolute monarchs as their rulers from god (divine right): The Church will educate and indoctrinate citizens with religious history and explanations
a) These statements are representative of the time period prior to the Scientific Revolution
b) These statements are representative of the time period after to the Scientific Revolution
c) These statements are representative of the time period prior to and after the Scientific Revolution
d) These statements to do not represent any time period

During the Scientific Revolution the Church reacted strongly against scientists who challenged established religous beliefs.
a) True
b) False

Which answer would be a best title or topic for: An era based on scientific findings rather than religious traditions, a rejection of superstitions and beliefs that had existed since ancient times, new ideas in physics, astronomy, and other sciences?
a) The Renaissance
b) The Age of Revolution
c) The Scientific Revolution
d) The Middle Ages

What do Copernicus, Galileo, and Isaac Newton all have in common?
a) They all used science to challenge accepted beliefs.
b) They all sought to remove academic and scientific ideas from educational institutions.
c) They were all forbidden from publishing their philosophical findings.
d) They all served prison sentences for their attempts to start revolutions.

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