Thanksgiving Trivia Question Preview (ID: 48958)

Use This Set Of Questions To Test Your Thanksgiving Trivia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The first thanksgiving lasted for how many days?
a) 1 day
b) 2 days
c) 3 days
d) 4 days

Which of the foods below did the Pilgrims NOT eat?
a) Lamb
b) Seal
c) Lobster
d) Swan

Which president declared thanksgiving a national holiday?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) John Adams
d) James Madison

Who is considered the Mother of Thanksgiving?
a) Jane Bigby
b) Martha May
c) Jenny Littlejohn
d) Sarah Hale

What year did the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade debut?
a) 1921
b) 1922
c) 1923
d) 1924

Which Thursday in November is Thanksgiving celebrated?
a) the first
b) the second
c) the third
d) the fourth

How many turkeys are cooked every thanksgiving?
a) 10 million
b) 35 million
c) 46 million
d) 52 million

What percentage of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
a) 75%
b) 83 %
c) 88%
d) 92%

While eating during Thanksgiving, you might consume how many grams of fat?
a) 150 grams of fat
b) 200 grams of fat
c) 230 grams of fat
d) 255 grams of fat

Which president pardoned the first turkey?
a) Richard Nixon
b) George H.W. Buch
c) Bill Clinton
d) Barack Obama

Only male turkeys gobble
a) true
b) false

Turkey is an actual country in Europe
a) true
b) false

Almost 8 in 10 Americans agree that the thanksgiving leftovers are better than the actual meal.
a) false
b) true

What month does Canada celebrate thanksgiving?
a) August
b) September
c) October
d) November

How many pumpkin pies are eaten on Thanksgiving in America?
a) 30 million
b) 40 million
c) 50 million
d) 60 million

Which profession has their busiest day the day after thanksgiving?
a) Electricians
b) Plumbers
c) Chefs
d) Drivers

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