Ch. 9 And 10 - E Question Preview (ID: 48957)

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Why did Southerners believe the new tariff law was unconstitutional?
a) It favored only one group - the Northern manufacturers
b) Taxes were unconstitutional
c) They didn't think theyn were represented well in Congress
d) None of the above

This man won the popular vote in the election of 1824, but did not win the electoral votes
a) John Quincy Adams
b) Wiliam Henry Harrison
c) Andrew Jackson
d) Martin Van Buren

What did the Supreme Court rule in Worcester v. Georgia?
a) The Cherokee Indians had to move from their land in Georgia
b) The state of Georgia had no legal power over the Cherokee
c) Only state government had authority over American Indians
d) U.S. troops in any state had the right to move American Indians

How did Andrew Jackson destroy the Bank of the U.S.?
a) He took funds out of the National Bank and put it into pet banks
b) He vetoed the Banks charter when it came up for renewal in 1832
c) both of these
d) None of these

Arguments over which issue sparked the nullification crisis?
a) a national tariff
b) bank operations
c) economic depression
d) states' rights doctrine

Which of these show how Andrew Jackson's stance on federal power was not consistent
a) He felt that the president should try to control inflation but believed state - based pet banks were unconstitutional
b) He appointed judges to the Supreme Court but did not believe the president should have to respect their decisions
c) He used presidential power to remove American Indians but did not respect their capacity to govern themselves
d) He argued to use U.S. troops to enforce tariff collection but argued against establishing a national bank

Why did Southerners hate the Tariff of 1828?
a) the South used many imported goods and the tariff raised the price of nearly everything the region bought
b) all of these
c) because the South relied on goods from the North and the tariff prevented trade between the two regions
d) because Southerners wanted to trade more goods with Britain

Why did South Carolina back down and repeal the Nullification Act?
a) They began to run out of money because of the law
b) All of their demands were met
c) They compromised with the federal government
d) President Jackson threatened to use force against them

What was Andrew Jackson's nickname?
a) Captain America
b) Old Hickory
c) Uncle Sam
d) Old Rough and Ready

This document warned Latin American nations not to interfere with the politics of European nations.
a) The American System
b) The Missouri Compromise
c) The Monroe Doctrine
d) States' Rights Doctrine

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