2.1 L7 The Ugly Vegetables Question Preview (ID: 48751)

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How does the girl feel when she first sees the stems growing?
a) unhappy
b) confused
c) excited
d) worried

Why does Mommy say that the plants in their garden are better than flowers?
a) They taste better.
b) They look better.
c) They smell better.
d) They grow taller.

What does up and down the street grew rainbows of flowers mean?
a) They grow very tall.
b) They bloom after the rain.
c) They are bright and colorful.
d) They grow on the streets.

What makes the wind smell sweet?
a) the vegetable garden
b) the neighbors' flowers
c) the birds
d) the bees and butterflies

What kind of person is Mommy?
a) She is unfriendly.
b) She is too proud.
c) She likes to brag.
d) She likes to share.

Why doesn't the girl love the vegetable garden at first?
a) She has never tasted the vegetables.
b) She hates the taste of soup.
c) She knows that it is a hard work.
d) She doesn't like sheau hwang gua.

What can you tell about the people in this neighborhood?
a) They enjoy eating.
b) They wish Mommy to plant flowers.
c) They have never tasted vegetable soup before.
d) They enjoy growing things.

Why do the neighbors start planting vegetables at the end?
a) They want to have a better garden than Mommy's.
b) They want vegetables to make Mommy's soup.
c) They don't want Mommy to feel bad about her ugly garden.
d) They want to add more green to their gardens.

How can you tell that Mommy is a good gardener?
a) She can plant many delicious vegetables.
b) She can make the delicious soup.
c) She can write the Chinese names of the vegetables.
d) She digs more and uses more water.

Which detail shows that the girl is a hard worker?
a) I rushed over to the neighbors' gardens.
b) One day I saw our garden growing.
c) I helped my mother plant the seeds.
d) I saw the neighbors standing on their porches.

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