Pollution Question Preview (ID: 48749)
VA Sol 6.9.
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Logging operations used to use a technique called clear-cutting, in which all of the trees in an area are cut down. What type of water pollution will this most likely lead to?
a) sediment
b) nutrient
c) toxic
d) bacterial
A farmer applies excess fertilizer to one of her fields just before a rainstorm. What kind of pollution is this most likely to lead to?
a) sediment
b) nutrient
c) toxic
d) bacterial
Which of the following is true of point source pollution?
a) Runoff contributes to its widespread pollution
b) Spread out among many sources
c) hard to locate where it came from
d) easy to determine where it came from.
How can population growth lead to more pollution?
a) All people produce waste, so more people means more waste.
b) too many people breathing causes too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
c) The body heat generated by billions of people will increase global warming.
d) More people being born means more people needing to print birth certificates.
Littering is an example of which environmental issue?
a) laziness
b) resource depletion
c) pollution
d) population growth
Which of the following is an example of point source pollution?
a) a pipe dumping waste from a factory
b) Fertilizers in run-off into a river surrounding farmland
c) a car leaking oil
d) An old barrel leaking toxic waste into the soil
A water shortage is an example of which environmental issue?
a) Laziness
b) resource depletion
c) pollution
d) population growth
When a population grows, the demand for resources will...
a) increase
b) decrease
c) stay the same
d) deplete
Which of the following is an example of nonpoint source pollution?
a) release of chemicals from a papermill
b) factory illegally dumping waste into a local creek
c) spraying your garden with pesticides
d) raw sewage being released into a river.
Pollutant which run off or seep into waterways - urban street runoff, construction site runoff
a) point source pollution
b) nonpoint source pollution
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