Anataomy Introduction Question Preview (ID: 48727)

Anatomy Introduction. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Plays a critical role in cell division
a) nucleus
b) nucleolus
c) lysosome
d) centrioles

Converts chemical energy in food to ATP for the cell to use.
a) chloroplast
b) mitochondria
c) lysosome
d) ribosome

Makes enzymes
a) ribosome
b) endoplasmic reticulum
c) nucleus
d) golgi apparatus

Creates rRNA for synthesizing ribosomes
a) nucleus
b) nucleolus
c) mitochondria
d) endoplasmic reticulum

Contains digestive enzymes for breaking down harmful substances.
a) centrioles
b) mitochondria
c) vacuole
d) lysosome

Specializes in packaging proteins in vesicles for exporting from the cell.
a) golgi apparatus
b) mitochondria
c) lysosome
d) ribosome

moves fluid across the surface of the cell
a) flagella
b) cilia
c) vesicle
d) vacuole

specializes in chemical modification and synthesis of lipids
a) smooth ER
b) rough ER
c) golgi apparatus
d) centrioles

contains chromatin
a) nucleolus
b) nucleus
c) RNA
d) DNA

propels the cell through extracellular fluid
a) vesicles
b) lysosomes
c) cilia
d) flagella

macromolecule most readily broken down when cell needs energy
a) nucleic acid
b) protein
c) lipid
d) carbohydrate

macromolecule that is never broken down for energy because it is an informational molecule
a) nucleic acid
b) lipid
c) protein
d) carbohydrate

cytoplasm is made mostly of
a) lipids
b) carbohydrates
c) cellulose
d) water

organelle located on the Rough ER and floating in the cytoplasm
a) ribosome
b) vacuole
c) centriole
d) centromere

mini-carts that transport proteins around and out of the cell
a) cilia
b) flagella
c) vesicles
d) vacuole

site of glycogen degradation
a) rough ER
b) smooth ER
c) vacuole
d) nucleus

organelle that breaks down dead stuff - food, bacteria, old cell parts
a) vacuole
b) lysosome
c) mitochondria
d) smooth ER

organelle that stores water
a) lysosome
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) vacuole

organelle that is smaller and can be more numerous in animal cells
a) vacuole
b) chloroplast
c) mitochondria
d) lysosome

most basic structure of a living thing
a) nucleus
b) cell
c) organelle
d) tissue

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