Desktop Publishing Question Preview (ID: 48716)
Desktop Publishing.
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Alice has started a new business She needs to provide a monthly update to her customers. What is most appropriate?
a) Newsletter
b) Letterhead
c) Flyer
d) Brochure
Which design principle is illustrated by this font scheme? Major headings-14 pt Arial font Subheadings-12 pt Cambria font Body text-11 pt Calibri font
a) Contrast
b) Alignment
c) Proximity/unity
d) Repetition/consistency
Moore Middle School FBLA plans to announce the names of the new officers and positions, summarize the most recent fundraising event, and promote a planned visit to the nursing home. What is the most appropriate choice for this information?
a) Flyer
b) Newsletter
c) Brochure
d) Business Card
Your teacher has asked you to cut out the overpowering image located on every page of the newsletter. What design principle is not being utilized?
a) Balance
b) Proximity
c) Alignment
d) Contrast
Zack is introducing himself to the local Chamber of Commerce in hopes of attracting new customers. What is the most appropriate publication choice that will provide Zack’s contact information?
a) Letterhead
b) Business Card
c) Newsletter
d) Brochure
Christina advertises in magazines that targets sports fan. What is her target audience?
a) Age
b) Education
c) Interests
d) Group Membership
Brenda advertises in magazines that targets those in the Honor Society. What is her target audience?
a) Age
b) Education
c) Interests
d) Group Membership
Kimberly needs a publication to show all of her services and products that she mail to potential customers. What is most appropriate?
a) Business Card
b) Letterhead
c) Flyer
d) Brochure
You teacher has asked you to change to a yellow text on black background, because your current product is difficult to read. What design principle was not being used?
a) Contrast
b) White Space
c) Alignment
d) Repetition
Your teacher has asked you to use the same font and pictures on each page. What design principle was not being used?
a) Balance
b) Proximity
c) Alignment
d) Repetition
Your teacher has asked you to relocate the picture on a page one to page two where it relates to the topic. What design principle was not being utilized?
a) Balance
b) Proximity
c) Alignment
d) Repetition
Avery has started a new business She needs a design for the top of her letter. What is most appropriate?
a) Business Card
b) Letterhead
c) Flyer
d) Brochure
Which design principle is used to give the eyes of a reader a break and focus the attention on important details?
a) Balance
b) White Space
c) Proximity
d) Contrast
Carol advertises in magazines that targets 22-25 year old college graduates. What is her target audience?
a) Age
b) Education
c) Interests
d) Group Membership
If text boxes appear at the top and the bottom of a flyer, which design principle is being used?
a) Alignment
b) Balance
c) Repetition/consistency
d) Contrast
A flyer used to advertise the school dance is created in which the location, date, time and cost are centered on the document. This is an example of which design principle?
a) Contrast
b) Proximity/unity
c) Repetition/consistency
d) Alignment
Jack carefully placed photographs of the different animals he saw in Yellowstone National Park next to the blocks of text he wrote describing them. This is an example of which design principle?
a) Consistency
b) Proximity
c) Alignment
d) Contrast
Your teacher has asked you to increase the margins to emphasize a picture and give the readers a break from the text. What design principle was not being used?
a) Contrast
b) White Space
c) Alignment
d) Repetition
Brenda has started a new business. She needs a way to give her contact information. What is most appropriate?
a) Business Card
b) Newsletter
c) Flyer
d) Brochure
The use of black font on a peach colored page is an example of which design principle?
a) Alignment
b) Proximity/unity
c) Contrast
d) Repetition/consistency
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