Generalization Review (Text Structures) Question Preview (ID: 48706)

A Review Of Using The Generalization Text Structure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Most students in middle school have cell phones. Parents find it important that they can stay in communication with their kids. Which word signals a generalization?
a) Students
b) Most
c) Find
d) Important

Most students in middle school have cell phones. Parents find it important that they can stay in communication with their kids. What generalization is being made?
a) Most adults have kids.
b) Teachers agree students should have phones.
c) Most students have cell phones.
d) Cell phones are important.

Thanksgiving is celebrated throughout the United States. Almost all families will prepare a turkey with multiple side dishes. Which word signals a generalization?
a) Thanksgiving
b) Prepare
c) All
d) Families

Thanksgiving is celebrated throughout the United States. Almost all families will prepare a turkey with multiple side dishes. What generalization is being made?
a) Turkey is served on Thanksgiving.
b) Turkey is a family favorite.
c) Thanksgiving is celebrated throughout the United States.
d) Side dishes are always served with turkey.

A generalization means...
a) The author is writing in time order.
b) The author is talking about a group as a whole.
c) The author is looking at how two things are similar and different.
d) The author is looking at how one thing leads to another.

Which would be a clue word for a generalization?
a) First
b) Difference
c) Because of
d) Typically

When people use the restroom, they typically wash their hands. This is a good practice to have to keep good hygiene. What is being generalized?
a) People wash their hands after using the restroom.
b) People use the restroom.
c) Washing your hands is good hygiene.
d) Hand washing is important.

Sometimes a generalization may bend the truth to make it seem like the idea applies to more people.
a) True
b) False

For the most part, people agree that a three day weekend would be a wonderful thing. What does this generalization tell us?
a) Everyone agrees that a three day weekend would be great.
b) There may be some people that would not prefer a three day weekend.
c) Three day weekends will begin for most people soon.
d) If we had a three day weekend, everyone would be happy.

For the most part, people agree that a three day weekend would be a wonderful thing. Which word(s) signal a generalization?
a) Agree
b) Wonderful thing
c) For the most part
d) Weekend

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