Pastry Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 48704)

Review For Pastry Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Pastry is defined as
a) a food that combines flour and fat
b) a sweet treat
c) cookies, cakes, pies, etc.
d) a sugary dessert

The four main types of pastry are
a) cookies, cakes, pies, bars
b) pie, croissant, danish, doughnut
c) choux, shortcrust, filo, and puff
d) puff, filo, croissant, baklava

A fruit tart is an example of which type of pastry?
a) choux
b) shortcrust
c) filo
d) puff

An eclair is an example of which type of pastry?
a) shortcrust
b) filo
c) choux
d) puff

Baklava is an example of which type of pastry?
a) choux
b) puff
c) shortcrust
d) filo

An apple turnover or a croissant are examples of which type of pastry?
a) filo
b) puff
c) choux
d) shortcrust

The melting butter in between the layers of dough create:
a) a greasy crust
b) a flaky texture
c) added fat content
d) an increased flavor profile

All of these are ingredients in pastry except:
a) yeast
b) flour
c) water
d) fat

What creates the crispy, flaky texture in flio dough
a) cornstarch
b) water
c) painting fat between the layers of dough
d) baking at a consistent temperature

What is it called when you poke shortcrust pastry with a fork before you blind bake?
a) poking
b) docking
c) releasing steam
d) locking

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