DCA 7th Grade Question Preview (ID: 48686)

DCA. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

digestive system
a) Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells.
b) karen from accounting
c) Breaks down fat from food to then send to the kindey
d) Body breaks down solids into waste and cookie dough

Respiratory System
a) Brings in carbon dioxide and gets rid of oxygen
b) Brings oxygen into body and gets rid of carbon dioxide
c) Brings in oxygen into body and gets rid of carbon monoxide
d) I like turtle

Excretory System
a) Makes solid waste into sweat and urine
b) Makes non solid waste into chocolate
c) pooping
d) Eliminates nonsolid waste through sweat and urine

reproductive system
a) system of organs involved in producing offspring
b) the band the offspring
c) pancreas and liver
d) System of organs making poo and pee

circulatory system
a) Make waste and nutrients into jello
b) Recycling water into the blood system
c) Transports oxygen, waste, nutrients, hormones, heat, etc... around the body
d) turkey sandwiches

endocrine system
a) hormones made and sent to the lungs
b) hormones made and gone to the brain
c) a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
d) You teenagers are filling up with hormones.

digestive and endocrine
a) controls blood glucose
b) controls stomach reactions
c) mechanical change examples
d) pancreas and spine

a) example of mechanical change in thinking
b) example of mechanical change in digestion
c) example of when you see a bag of takis
d) example of deep sleeping

a) example of sweating
b) example of mechanical change
c) what is sweat?
d) example of physical change digestion

Nervous system organs
a) brain and spinal cord
b) pancreas and reproductive
c) hear and lungs
d) brain and heart

Respiratory system organ(s)
a) heart
b) lungs
c) brain and stomach
d) kidneys and pancreas

Digestive system organs
a) stomach and intestines
b) lungs
c) heart
d) brain and lungs

Excretory system organs
a) liver and bladder
b) heart
c) stomach and intestines
d) kidneys and bladder

Nervous system organs
a) brain and spinal cord
b) pancreas and reproductive organs
c) kidneys and bladder
d) nail biting and chewing on pens

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