Integumentary System Test Review Question Preview (ID: 48677)

A Test To Help My Students Review For Their Integumentary System Test For AP. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cyanosis is the blue tinting of the skin caused by decreased oxygen in blood.
a) True
b) False

The dermis is made of epithelial tissue.
a) True
b) False

These glands are located in the external ear canal and produce ear wax ________.
a) merocrine (eccrine)
b) apocrine
c) ceruminous
d) Sebaceous

This gland is involved with the production of body odor ________.
a) merocrine (eccrine)
b) apocrine
c) ceruminous
d) Sebaceous

These sweat glands are responsible for cooling the body __________.
a) merocrine (eccrine)
b) apocrine
c) ceruminous
d) Sebaceous

This is NOT associated with the dermis ________.
a) hair follicles
b) nerve endings
c) lymphatic vessels
d) melanocytes

Exposure to ultraviolet light darkens the skin by stimulating production of _________.
a) melanin
b) hemoglobin
c) melatonin
d) carotene

Acne is a disorder involving the _________.
a) sweat glands
b) hair follicles
c) apocrine glands
d) sebaceous glands

This layer of skin replaces older cells that desquamate with newer cells by mitosis _____________.
a) stratum granulosum
b) stratum basale
c) stratum lucidum
d) stratum corneum

These cells are responsible for the ability of the epidermis to resist abrasion and reduce water loss ____________.
a) melanocytes
b) Merkel cells
c) Langerhans cells
d) keratinocytes

Epidermal cells are supplied with nutrients from blood vessels located in the _______________.
a) stratum corneum
b) stratum basale
c) subcutaneous layer
d) dermis

As cells are pushed from the deeper part of the epidermis toward the surface ___________.
a) they divide continually
b) their supply of nutrients improves
c) they die
d) they become dermal cells

An organ contains ___________.
a) two or more tissues grouped together that function together
b) one variety of each of the four types
c) at least four tissues grouped together that function together
d) all one type of tissue

The epidermis is made of this tissue ___________.
a) loose connective tissue
b) stratified squamous epithelium
c) dense irregular connective tissue
d) adipose

The major function of the melanocytes is to __________.
a) Remove dead cells by phagocytosis
b) help control body temperature
c) produce melanin
d) act as sensory receptors

A nail consists of a ___________.
a) Nail fork and nail spoon
b) Nail bed and nail plate
c) Nail rail and nail groove
d) Nail follicle and nail papilla

Sebaceous glands produce sebum, prevents drying of the skin, protect against some bacteria, and are classified as holocrine.
a) True
b) False

The dermis is very flat compared to the epidermis, which has ridges projecting inward and elevations called papillae.
a) True
b) False

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