Chapter 9 Nail Structure And Growth Question Preview (ID: 48669)

Milady Nail Structure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The technical term used for the natural nail?
a) Lanula
b) Matrix
c) Onyx
d) Mantle

What is the average water content of the nail?
a) 5%-10%
b) 15% - 25%
c) 30% - 40%
d) 45% - 55%

Water content directly affects the nail's
a) Color
b) Length
c) Thickness
d) Flexibility

A hardened keratin plate that sits in and cover the nail bed.
a) Nail extension
b) Nail plate
c) Matrix
d) Lunula

What is the most visible and functional part of the nail unit?
a) Nail root
b) Nail fold
c) Nail plate
d) Cuticle

How many layers of nail cells are on a typical nail?
a) 50
b) 75
c) 100
d) 125

The part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe
a) Nail root
b) Nail extension
c) Nail bed
d) Free edge

This part of the nail is richly supplied with blood vessels
a) Nail body
b) Nail root
c) Nail bed
d) Free Edge

This part of the nail bed contains many nerves, and it attached to the nail plate by a thin layer of tissue called
a) Bed epithelium
b) Cuticle
c) Eponichium
d) Free edge

The living skin at the base of the natural nail plate covering the matrix area
a) Nail bed
b) Eponychium
c) Hyponychium
d) Mantle

The whitish, half-moon shape underneath the base of the nail
a) Fee edge
b) Bed epithelium
c) Lunula
d) Eponychium

The dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate.
a) Cuticle
b) Eponychium
c) Hyponychium
d) Ligament

A tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place
a) Nail folds
b) Ligaments
c) Half moons
d) Nail grooves

Folds of normal skin that surround the nail plate
a) Cuticle
b) Nail wall
c) Perionychium
d) Nail fold

Fingernails grow at a rate of ___________ per month
a) 1/10 inch
b) 1/2 inch
c) 1/4 inch
d) 1/16 inch

Which nail grows fastest?
a) Middle finger
b) thumb
c) index
d) Pinkey

Which nail grows the slowest
a) Middle
b) Thumb
c) Ring
d) Pinkey

How long does it take to regrow an entire finger nail?
a) 4-6 months
b) 6-8 months
c) 8-10 months
d) 10-12 months

How long does it take to regrow and entire toenail?
a) 3 to 6 months
b) 6 to 9 months
c) 9 to 12 months
d) 12 to 15 months

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