Texas Revolution Part II Question Preview (ID: 48665)

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What was the purpose of Travis' letter at the Alamo?
a) Notify Santa Anna that the men at the Alamo were ready to fight.
b) Warn Sam Houston that Santa Anna was coming after him.
c) Advise the citizens of Gonzales to take their cannon and leave.
d) Inform other Texans that reinforcements (help) was needed at the Alamo.

The Battle of San Jacinto resulted in-
a) Loss of Goliad
b) Surrender of Santa Anna
c) Death of William B. Travis
d) Defeat of Sam Houston's troops.

What event caused Stephen F. Austin to side with the War Party favoring independence?
a) He was arrested and imprisoned by Mexican officials.
b) The Mier y Teran report
c) Participation in the Fredoniana Rebellion
d) Austin was friends with Santa Anna

Which of the following was NOT a grievance (complaint) that the delegates to the Convention of 1836 had?
a) The Mexican gov't granted empresarios land to settle.
b) The Mexican gov't stopped immigration from the United States.
c) The Mexican gov't raised taxes on goods brought in from the U.S.
d) The Mexican gov't made all citizens become Catholic.

What did Sam Houston do as commander of the Texan army after the Alamo?
a) He took his troops to the Alamo for revenge against the Mexican army.
b) He moved East away from Santa Anna to move the Mexican army away from resources.
c) He chased Santa Anna and his troops across the Rio Grande.
d) He moved South and tried to attack Mexico City.

What was the main agreement in the public Treaty of Velasco?
a) Fighting would stop and Santa Anna would withdraw his troops.
b) The armies would withdraw and Mexico would pay Texas for its losses.
c) Mexico would give Texas the land it promised and release their prisoners.
d) Houston would meet with the president of Mexico to discuss terms of land ownership.

What was the main agreement in the private Treaty of Velasco?
a) Houston would allow Santa Anna his freedom in exchange for Texas land.
b) Houston would release Santa Anna if he removed all Mexican troops from Texas.
c) Santa Anna would control the Mexican army and Texas would stop fighting.
d) Santa Anna would be released in exchang for recognition of Texas independence.

What did the delegates who met at Wasington-on-the-Brazos do on MArch 2, 1836?
a) Design the Come and Take It flag
b) Create a plan to defend the Alamo
c) Declare independence from Mexico
d) Negotiate a peace treaty from Mexico.

Which of the following men was NOT at the Alamo?
a) Jim Bowie
b) William B. Travis
c) Sam Houston
d) Santa Anna

Which of the following was NOT a battle in the Texas Revolution?
a) Battle of the Alamo
b) Battle of San Jacinto
c) Battle of Lexington
d) Battle of Gonzales

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