Graphing Lines Question Preview (ID: 48663)

A Review On Slope Intercept Form And Identifying Slope And Y-intercept. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When graphing slope, which of the following is NOT a way you should go about it?
a) rise/run
b) The top number tells you how much you go up or down
c) The change in y/The change in x
d) It doesn't matter, just do whatever!

In the equation y = 6x, where will the line start on the y-axis?
a) 1
b) 0
c) 6
d) -1

In the equation y = -1/2x + 9, what is the slope?
a) 2
b) -1
c) 9
d) -1/2

In the equation y = -3x - 4, what is the y-intercept?
a) 4
b) 3
c) -3
d) -4

When graphing lines, we always start with our...
a) slope
b) y-intercept
c) x-intercept
d) it doesn't matter

In y = mx + b, the letter b represents the...
a) slope
b) answer
c) y-intercept
d) x-intercept

In y = mx + b, the letter m represents...
a) slope
b) answer
c) y-intercept
d) x-intercept

What is the slope intercept form?
a) y=bx + m
b) y=mx + b
c) y =mxb
d) b = mx - y

In the equation y = 2x - 1, what is the slope?
a) 1
b) -1
c) 2
d) x

In the equation y = x, which is true?
a) The slope and y-intercept is 0
b) The slope and y-intercept is 1
c) The slope is 1, the y-intercept is 0
d) The slope is 0, the y-intercept is 1

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