Maniac Magee Section 3 Question Preview (ID: 48662)

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Maniac is sleeping in the ______ pen at the zoo when Grayson finds him.
a) zebra
b) deer
c) buffalo
d) moose

Why did Grayson miss his first day as a pitcher in the Minors?
a) He had overslept.
b) He was washing dishes to pay off his (free) steak dinner.
c) He was asked to sit out because of foul language.
d) He has a broken arm.

What did Maniac say you say when someone says something or does something you really like?
a) Awesome
b) Amazing
c) Astounding
d) A-men

Grayson did not know how to read because_____________
a) his kindergarten teacher stopped teaching him when she saw he coudn't read.
b) his parents were too busy fighting and so he decided to get back at them.
c) he stopped trying when he heard the teacher say he wouldn't read a stop sign.
d) he felt reading was a waste of time and decided he didn't have that kind of time.

What is Maniac's new address with Grayson?
a) Two Mills YMCA
b) Baseball Equipment Room
c) 520 Krimpets Lane
d) 101 Band Shell Boulevard

to borrow or root with the nose as an animal
a) nuzzle
b) frayed
c) sleazy
d) scrawny

excessively thin; scraggy
a) dumbfounded
b) scrawny
c) nuzzle
d) fidgeted

to make speechless with amazement; astonished
a) sleazy
b) nuzzle
c) frayed
d) doumbfounded

to show signs of strain
a) frayed
b) nuzzle
c) fidgeted
d) scrawny

moved or acted restlessly or nervously
a) frayed
b) nuzzle
c) fidgeted
d) dumbfounded

dirty and in bad condition from being neglected
a) sleazy
b) scrawny
c) nuzzle
d) frayed

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