Wymer - SOL 6 1-20 Question Preview (ID: 48660)

Powers Of Government. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which one is a power the Congress does NOT have over the President?
a) Refuse Appointments
b) Override Vetoes
c) Appoint Judges
d) Refuse Treaties

When the president of the United States signs a bill into law, what role of the president is being fulfilled?
a) Chief Citizen
b) Chief Diplomat
c) Chief Legislator
d) Chief of State

How does the President limit the power of the Judicial Branch?
a) Veto laws
b) Nominating judges to the court
c) Approving judicial nominations
d) Enforce laws

What major check does the Congress have over the Judicial Branch?
a) Nominate judges
b) Confirm judicial appointments
c) Declare laws unconstitutional
d) Veto laws

Which branch of government is paired incorrectly with its power?
a) Executive branch - Administer the federal bureaucracy
b) Executive branch - Prepares the annual budget
c) Legislative branch - Appoints cabinet officers
d) Legislative branch - Makes the laws of the nation

The President of the United States wants Congress to pass a new tax law. Which action would give the President the best opportunity to propose new laws?
a) Appointing judges to the Supreme Court
b) Signing a bill into law
c) Making the State of the Union Address
d) Acting as Commander-in-Chief

When the President meets with the leader of another country, the President is fulfilling which one of his roles?
a) Commander- in-chief
b) Chief diplomat
c) Chief of state
d) Chief of party

What principle means the division of governmental power into three branches each with its own job?
a) Checks and Balances
b) Democracy
c) Separation of Powers
d) Federalism

Which of the following is NOT a power of the Legislative Branch?
a) Confirms judicial appointments
b) Approves the annual budget
c) Raises revenue through taxes
d) Prepares the annual budget

In the news today, a judge has been appointed to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. This announcement is referring to powers belonging to -
a) executive branch of a state government
b) legislative branch of the national government
c) legislative branch of a state government
d) executive branch of the national government

The Federal Government approves a budget -
a) biannually
b) annually
c) biennially
d) bicamerally

In which court is the decision of the court always final?
a) Virginia General District Court
b) Virginia Circuit Court
c) United States Court of Appeals
d) United States Supreme Court

Which branch of the national government approves the federal budget?
a) Cabinet
b) Judicial
c) Legislative
d) Executive

The Senate and the House of Representatives make up a —
a) unicameral legislature
b) tricameral legislature
c) multi-cameral legislature
d) bicameral legislature

In America, who makes the laws?
a) Cabinet members
b) People elected to serve as president
c) People elected to serve in the legislature
d) People elected to serve as governors

Making laws is to Congress as interpreting federal laws is to the —
a) Governor
b) United States Supreme Court
c) President
d) Virginia Supreme Court

Which branch confirms Presidential appointments?
a) Judicial
b) Executive
c) Legislative
d) Supreme Court

Which power does the legislative branch have over the courts?
a) Reject appointments
b) Appoint judges
c) Veto laws
d) Declare acts unconstitutional

What is the job of the legislative branch?
a) Judicial review
b) Make laws
c) Enforce laws
d) Explain laws

Who can introduce bills in Congress?
a) Members of Congress
b) Public
c) Interest groups
d) President

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