Freak The Mighty (23-25) Question Preview (ID: 48659)

Freak The Mighty. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does Max find out when gets to the ICU?
a) Freak has had his transplant.
b) Freak is in a coma.
c) Freak has been moved to The Bionic Unit.
d) Freak has died.

What does Dr. Spivak tell Max when he says she lied to Freak about his new bionic body?
a) She did not lie to Freak. She tried to once when he was seven, but he looked his disease up in a medical dictionary.
b) She only lied to protect Freak from the truth.
c) She did not lie to Freak; he made up The Bionic Unit to make Max feel better.
d) She lied because Gwen asked her to never tell Freak he was dying.

What does Max do with the book from Freak?
a) Max gives the book to Gwen to keep until he is ready to write in it.
b) Max puts the book in the pyramid box for safekeeping and for good luck.
c) Max throws the book away, knowing he will never be able to write as well as Freak.
d) Max asks Gram to keep the book for him.

What happens when Freak starts coughing in the ICU?
a) The machine next to Freak's bed starts beeping, and the nurse makes Max leave.
b) Freak starts to choke, and Max runs for help.
c) The doctor and nurses are swarming all over the room and Dr. Spivak tells Max to leave.
d) The tube in Freak's nose pops out.

Freak gives Max a book. What does he tell Max to do with it?
a) Freak gives Max a book with blank pages and tells Max to fill it with their adventures.
b) Freak gives Max his dictionary and asks him to keep it down under.
c) Freak gives Max a book with blank pages and tells Max to write a new King Arthur quest story.
d) Freak gives Max a book with blank pages and tells him to write his own dictionary.

What does Freak tell Max about The Bionic Unit?
a) Freak tells Max The Bionic Unit is something he made up, and there is no operation to repair his body.
b) Freak tells Max The Bionic Unit is on red alert, and tonight they will take him down there for his special operation.
c) Freak tells Max The Bionic Unit is waiting for final test results, and they'll be ready to do the transplant in a few days.
d) Freak tells Max Dr. Spivak and The Bionic Unit are ready to perform the transplant.

Describe what Max sees and feels in the ICU.
a) Max is scared at first but then he sees all the electronic gear and thinks its cool.
b) Max sees Freak hooked up to electronic gear and tubes; he is a little worried but thinks it is all part of the transplant.
c) Max is afraid of all the nurses and electronic machinery.
d) Max is scared when he sees Freak and how small he looks on the bed with tubes going into his arms and up his nose.

Who finds Max outside the hospital, and where is he taken?
a) Gwen finds Max and takes him to see Freak
b) Gwen finds Max and takes him home.
c) Loretta finds Max and takes him to get a soda.
d) Grim finds Max and takes him to see Freak.

What does Max take to the hospital and why?
a) Max takes Freak's dictionary because he knows Freak w.ould want it in his room.
b) Max takes the old ornithopter bird hoping Freak will see it flittering by his window
c) Max takes Freak some of Grim's cookies to cheer him up
d) Max takes a book about King Arthur to read to Freak.

How does Freak die?
a) Freak's transplant was unsuccessful.
b) Freak's heart had just got too small for his body.
c) Freak's lungs were too small for his body.
d) Freak died from an infection he contracted in The Bionic Unit.

What does Max do after Freak dies? How does Max feel?
a) Max is very lonely and spends a lot of time with Gwen.
b) Max refuses to go to school; he feels he will never be able to learn without Freak.
c) Max hides in the down under, feeling like a balloon somebody has let all the air out of.
d) Max is very angry Freak lied to him about the transplant, and he destroys the book Freak had given him.

What does Grim tell Max about living and having Freak as a friend?
a) Grim tells Max living is not easy; he should be very grateful to have had a friend like Freak.
b) Grim tells Max he was lucky to have a friend like Freak; now it was time to get on with living the rest of his life.
c) Grim tells Max life is tough, and having Freak for a friend made it a little easier for a while.
d) Grim tells Max it isn't how long you have, but what you do with the time you have. Some go not having a friend like Freak.

How does Max feel when he goes back to school?
a) Max finds he likes school now that everyone is being nice to him because his best friend died.
b) Max hates every minute, especially how people kept feeling sorry for him, as if he were the one who died.
c) Max hates every minute, especially now that he no longer has Freak for a brain.
d) Max is not happy, but he is trying to do his best so Freak would be proud of him.

What does Tony D. say to Max when he returns to school? What does Max do?
a) Tony D. tells Max it's a shame what happened to Freak. Max blows up and says if he felt sorry for him again, millpond.
b) Tony D. tells Max Freak got just what he deserved, and Max punches him in the face.
c) Tony D. says hello to Max, but Max just ignores him and walks away.
d) Tony D. tells Max how sorry he is about Freak; Max becomes one of Tony D.'s gang.

Who does Max see that winter after Freak dies, and what does she say to him?
a) Max sees Gwen and she tells him she is remarried and going to have a baby.
b) Max sees Loretta. When she asks him what he is doing, he says Nothing. She says, It's time to get on with living kid.
c) Max sees Gwen. When she asks him what he is doing, he says Nothing. She says, Nothing is a drag Kid. Think about it.
d) Max sees Loretta. When she asks him what he is doing, he says, Nothing. She says, Nothing is a drag, kid. Think about it.

What does Max do with the empty book?
a) Max writes a new King Arthur story.
b) Max writes Freak the Mighty.
c) Max writes a dictionary.
d) Max leaves the book in the pyramid box.

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