Ratios Question Preview (ID: 48656)

Ratios. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What mathematical operations do ratios involve
a) Multiplication
b) Division
c) Addition
d) Subtraction

When are ratios useful?
a) When you want to divide one number by another
b) When you're cleaning your kitchen floor
c) When you want to compare a part of something to the whole
d) When you want to figure out the probability that an event will happen

Which of the following expresses a ratio?
a) 2/3
b) Two-thirds
c) 0.667
d) 2.3

Which ratio is equivalent to 3/4?
a) 4/3
b) 3.4
c) 0.75
d) 6/8

What does the ratio 75/25 simplify to?
a) 1/3
b) 3/1
c) 9/10
d) 4/1

If there are 10 applies in the fridge and 7 on the table, what is the ratio of apples in the fridge to apples on the table?
a) 10/7
b) 7/10
c) 0.7
d) 10/17

A recipe calls for 3 parts water to 1 part milk. How much milk will you need if you use 12 mL of water?
a) 3 mL
b) 4 mL
c) 9 mL
d) 10 mL

A recipe says, 1 part cocoa to 4 parts sugar. How much sugar will you need if you use 20 grams of cocoa?
a) 20 grams of sugar
b) 40 grams of sugar
c) 120 grams of sugar
d) 80 grams of sugar

If there are 10 apples in the fridge and 7 on the table, what is the ratio of apples in the fridge to all the apples?
a) 7/10
b) 10/7
c) 10/17
d) 17/10

A recipe says, 3 parts water to 1 part milk. How much water will you need if you use 2 liters of milk?
a) 6 liters
b) 1 liter
c) 3 liters
d) 2 liters

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