Set 3 Of Elements For Quiz Question Preview (ID: 48645)
21-30 Of Common Symbols For Quiz.
TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.
What is the symbol for Oxygen
a) O
b) Ox
c) Og
d) U
What is the symbol for Phosphorus
a) Ph
b) Ps
c) P
d) F
What is the symbol for Potassium
a) P
b) Pt
c) Pm
d) K
What is the symbol for Silicon
a) S
b) Si
c) Sc
d) Sn
What is the symbol for Silver
a) Au
b) Ag
c) S
d) Sv
What is the symbol for Sodium
a) S
b) Sm
c) Na
d) Sd
What is the symbol for Sulfur
a) S
b) Su
c) Sf
d) Sl
What is the symbol for Tin
a) Tn
b) Sn
c) T
d) S
What is the symbol for Uranium
a) Ur
b) Un
c) Rn
d) U
What is the symbol for Zinc
a) Zn
b) Z
c) Zk
d) Zc
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