Unit 4 Megan Question Preview (ID: 48629)

Vocabulary Unit 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a joining together for some common purpose
a) bewilder
b) alliance
c) malignant
d) procure

to puzzle completely; confuse
a) spirited
b) virtual
c) inflict
d) bewilder

a clown; a coarse, stupid person
a) procure
b) inflammable
c) buffoon
d) fruitless

arousing argument, dispute, or disagreement
a) malignant
b) controversial
c) hostile
d) mortify

to discourage
a) malignant
b) mortify
c) dishearten
d) fruitless

not producing the desired results, unsuccessful
a) fruitless
b) wayward
c) void
d) sodden

unfriendly; unfavorable; warlike, aggressive
a) malignant
b) scurry
c) virtual
d) hostile

easily set on fire; easily angered or aroused
a) inflammable
b) mortify
c) scurry
d) spirited

to give or cause something unpleasant, impose
a) procure
b) inflict
c) buffoon
d) alliance

deadly, extremely harmful, evil; spiteful, malicious
a) inflict
b) hostile
c) malignant
d) wayward

to hurt someone's feelings deeply; to cause embarrassment or humiliation; to subdue or discipline by self-denial or suffering
a) wayward
b) inflict
c) mortify
d) controversial

in agreement with established or generally accepted beliefs or ways of doing things
a) orthodox
b) wayward
c) procure
d) dishearten

to obtain through special effort; to bring about
a) orthodox
b) fruitless
c) hostile
d) procure

to run quickly, scamper, hurry
a) mortify
b) scurry
c) bewilder
d) void

soaked with liquid or moisture; expressionless, dull; spiritless, listless
a) malignant
b) alliance
c) sodden
d) fruitless

full of life and vigor; courageous
a) wayward
b) spirited
c) wince
d) orthodox

having a certain force or effect in fact but not in name; so close as to be equivalent to the real thing
a) virtual
b) malignant
c) dishearten
d) controversial

completely empty; having no legal force or effect; empty or unfilled space; to cancel or nullify
a) malignant
b) inflammable
c) void
d) procure

disobedient, willful; unpredictable, capricious
a) spirited
b) bewilder
c) mortify
d) wayward

to draw back suddenly, as though in pain or fear; the act of drawing back in this way
a) inflict
b) mortify
c) wince
d) wayward

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