CE 5 Test #2 Review Question Preview (ID: 48623)

Review Of Virginia SOL CE5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Provided women the right to vote:
a) 19th amendment
b) 15th Amendment
c) 26th Amendment
d) 24th Amendment

Increased the right to vote by making the literacy test illegal.
a) 26th Amendment
b) Voting Rights Act of 1965
c) 15th Amendment
d) 19th Amendment

Made the poll tax illegal.
a) 23rd Amendment
b) 15th Amendment
c) 24th Amendment
d) 19th Amendment

Gave Washington DC three electoral votes
a) 26th Amendment
b) 15th Amendment
c) 19th Amendment
d) 23rd Amendment

Lowered the voting age to 18
a) 26th Amendment
b) 24th Amendment
c) 19th Amendment
d) Voting Rights Act of 1965

Provided free slaves the right to vote
a) 19th Amendment
b) 23rd Amendment
c) 15th Amendment
d) 24th Amendment

The candidate in a state with the most popular votes wins all of the electoral votes.
a) Winner-take-all
b) Propaganda
c) Mass media
d) Bias

The system in which the president and vice-president are offically elected.
a) Electoral College
b) Winner-take-all
c) PAC
d) Interest group

Political fundraising arm of an organization established by an interest group.
a) Bias
b) Lobby
c) PAC
d) Mass media

People with a similar point of view who work together to promote that point of view.
a) Bias
b) Lobby
c) Electoral College
d) Interest Group

A message that influences people's ideas, opinions, or actions in certain ways or that tries to change your mind.
a) Winner-take-all
b) Propaganda
c) Mass media
d) Interest Group

Having a political lean or favoring a side over another.
a) Bias
b) Propaganda
c) PAC
d) Lobby

Includes the internet, television, newspapers, film, and radio.
a) Electoral College
b) PAC
c) Lobby
d) Mass media

Seeking to influence legislators to introduce legislation or to vote for or against a bill.
a) Electoral College
b) Lobby
c) Propaganda
d) Winner-take-all

The name of the section of the newspaper that contains all opinions.
a) Obituary
b) Editorial
c) Region
d) Sports

The name of the Supreme Court decision that led to an increase in the number of PACs and Super PACs
a) Citizens United v. FEC
b) Brown v.l Board of Education
c) Marbury v. Madison
d) Griswold v. Connecticut

Which of the following is a role the mass media plays in elections?
a) Identifying candidates
b) Editorials, political cartoons
c) Emphasizing selected issues
d) All of these

What is the difference between a PAC and a Super PAC?
a) The PAC tries to get a certain candidate elected but the Super PAC doesn't care who is elected.
b) PAC can receive donations from members of the associated Interest Group, but the Super PAC can receive donations from anyone
c) There is no difference; they are the exact same thing.
d) The PAC is not as good as the Super PAC

Emailing a legislator is actually a form of lobbying.
a) True
b) False
c) --
d) --

Making a financial donation (giving money) to a candidate's campaign is a way that an individual can influence public policy.
a) True
b) False

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