Monster Vocabulary 2 Question Preview (ID: 48617)

Monster Vocabulary 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a group of plants or animals of the same kind
a) species
b) obtain
c) opinion
d) feast

to take over
a) species
b) invade
c) odor
d) emerge

come out
a) superstition
b) species
c) odor
d) emerge

a) smell
b) invade
c) emerge
d) feast

a meal with plenty of food and drink
a) feast
b) odor
c) opinion
d) invade

to get
a) invade
b) species
c) obtain
d) opinion

a belief or fear
a) superstition
b) obtain
c) emerge
d) feast

what someone thinks, feels, or believes
a) invade
b) opinion
c) odor
d) feast

A great white shark is one ________ of shark.
a) species
b) feast
c) obtain
d) invade

The caterpillar began to _______ from the chrysalis.
a) invade
b) opinion
c) emerge
d) obtain

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