Unit 5 (2) Question Preview (ID: 48599)

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How often did the US population double?
a) Every 25 years
b) Every 50 years
c) Every 35 years
d) Every 10 years

What was a negative results of westward expansion?
a) Big business, large divergence between poor and rich
b) Exploitation of the environment and wildlife
c) Continual movement of the Plains Indians westward into the Rockies
d) Reduction of the water table due to mass irrigation

In 1840, what was the demographic center of the US?
a) Area around Kansas/Nebraska
b) The Sierra Nevada Mountains of the Rockies Area around
c) Arkansas/Tennessee
d) The Allegheny Mountains of the Appalachians

The Great Plains were difficult to farm. What invention helped enable farmers to cultivate the Plains?
a) The iron plow
b) The wood plow
c) The steel plow
d) The caste iron plow

Why did the Irish come to the US?
a) Escape war and political unrest
b) Famine
c) Loss of property
d) Religious freedom

Why did the Germans come to the US?
a) Escape war and political unrest
b) Famine
c) Loss of property
d) Religious freedom

What is the “factory system”?
a) Co-locating machines near a power source
b) Co-locating machines and people
c) Large scale production of goods and services
d) Extensive network of roads, railroads, and factories.

What did Eli Whitney develop that helped the “factory system”?
a) Mercantilism
b) Interchangeable parts
c) Labor unions
d) Telegraph

How did suffrage impact workers and industrialists?
a) Created a “wage slave”
b) Prohibited the formation Labor Unions
c) Helped begin changing laws to support labor
d) Helped begin changing laws to support business

How did the Panic of 1837 positively impact growth?
a) Capital for expansion shifted from government to private sector finance.
b) Killed nation expansion and growth
c) Caused a run on the market raising price per share
d) Stopped growth across the country

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