Forces, Machines, Motion, And Energy Part II Question Preview (ID: 48592)

Exam #1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The amount of force on a certain amount of surface area
a) Inertia
b) Force
c) Mass
d) Pressure

An instrument used to compare the density (specific gravity) of liquids to pure water
a) Heat engine
b) Hydrometer
c) Insulator
d) Electromagnet

A strong tide that happens when the sun and moon are aligned with the earth
a) Neap tide
b) Sound wave
c) Lunar tide
d) Spring tide

A force that resists motion and produces heat
a) Friction
b) Gravity
c) Inertia
d) Pressure

Can represent a directional force; have both direction and magnitude
a) Action
b) Switches
c) Vectors
d) Reaction

The amount of matter in an object
a) Mass
b) Atoms
c) Elements
d) Weight

Equals the distance traveled divided by the amount of time it took: ?=D/T
a) Velocity
b) Acceleration
c) Speed
d) Inertia

A repeating path in space that one object takes around another
a) Ellipses
b) Rotation
c) Track
d) Orbit

Anything that is observed that is consistent (happens the same each time)
a) Theory
b) Observation
c) Law
d) Experiment

The speed of an object in a certain direction
a) Acceleration
b) Velocity
c) Distance
d) Rate

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