Shang, Olmec, Indus Review Question Preview (ID: 48586)

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A series of rulers from the same family (like in Chinese history) is known as a
a) anarchy
b) dynasty
c) bureaucracy
d) hierarchy

The Indus Valley civilization was centered in present-day
a) Crete
b) Pakistan and India
c) Mesoamerica
d) China

Which of the following was a major part of Shang religion?
a) sporting events
b) ancestor worship
c) ritual bathing and purity
d) monotheism

Why are the Olmec considered the mother civilization of Mesoamerica?
a) later Mesoamerican civilizations borrowed elements of their culture
b) they are considered the first full blown civilization in this region of the world
c) they invented things that were used by other Mesoamerican civilizations (like the ball game)
d) all of the above

Which of the following was NOT part of the Mesoamerican ball game?
a) a ball made of leather
b) human sacrifice
c) an I-shaped court
d) symbolic dress

Based on archaeological evidence from Mohenjo Daro, which of the following seems to have been the most important value in the Indus civilization?
a) bravery
b) purity and cleanliness
c) wealth
d) ancestral worship

The citadel at Mohenjo Daro was the location of
a) important government buildings
b) houses and workshops
c) temples and statues dedicated to the gods
d) royal tomb complexes

Under the Shang, the Chinese learned how to make
a) paper
b) iron
c) bronze
d) gunpowder

According to the Mandate of Heaven, where did Chinese kings get their power?
a) from being educated
b) from the people voting
c) from their ability to win wars
d) from gods and deceased ancestors

Under the Shang, Chinese writing was
a) phonetic
b) pictographic
c) syllabic
d) arabic

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