Force And Motion Vocab Question Preview (ID: 48582)

Vocab Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion
b) where something is located
c) gravitational force of an object
d) how fast something is going

a) where something is located
b) the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion
c) tells the direction and speed of an object
d) wants to slow things down

a) how fast something is going
b) where something is located
c) gravitational force of an object
d) wants to slow things down

a) wants to slow things down
b) how fast something is going
c) pull or a push
d) where something is located

a) the path that an object is moving or facing
b) the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion
c) gravitational force of an object
d) wants to slow things down

a) the amount of space between 2 objects
b) the change in an object's position
c) a pull or push
d) how fast an object is going

a) tells the direction and speed of an object
b) the change in an object's position
c) the path that an object is moving or facing
d) wants to slow things down

a) wants to slow things down
b) how fast an object is going
c) the change in an object's position
d) where something is located

a) where something is located
b) the amount of space between 2 things
c) tells the direction and speed of an object
d) a pull or a push

a) rate of change of velocity
b) how fast an object is going
c) gravitational force of an object
d) a pull or push

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