8th Grade Unit 1 Test Question Preview (ID: 48577)

Unit 1 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is in charge of the judicial branch?
a) President
b) Vice President
c) Supreme Court

The judicial branch ______ the laws.
a) interprets
b) makes
c) enforces

The legislative branch ________ the laws.
a) interprets
b) enforces
c) writes

The Executive Branch _______ the laws
a) interprets
b) enforces
c) writes

Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?
a) Vice - President
b) Supreme Court
c) President

The Preamble sets the ________ of the Constitution
a) limits
b) goals

When writing the Constitution, people debated...
a) representation and slavery
b) voting rights and taxes.
c) boundaries and elections.

The U.S. Constitution states there should be a separation of power and consent of the governed.
a) True
b) False

Which one of the below was an influence on the American Constitution?
a) Confucius
b) Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
c) Baron de Montesquieu
d) Monarchy of Russia

True or False. The Constitution is considered a living document because it always stays the same.
a) True
b) False

Which one of these is true about Federalists?
a) Believed the Constitution did not meet the needs of the people
b) Supported the Constitution
c) Wanted a weak central government (more power to the states)

Which one of these is true about anti-federalists?
a) Wanted a strong central government
b) Supported the Constitution
c) Wanted a weak central government (more power to the states)

The purpose of government is to...
a) Tax the citizens to bring money in
b) Elect leaders
c) Protect the natural rights of its citizens

Which of theses was NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
a) Weak national government
b) Women and minorities couldn't vote
c) Each state printed their own money
d) Couldn't agree on how many votes a state gets

Consent of the governed is the definition of...
a) Democracy
b) Popular Sovereignty
c) Ratify

What city was the Declaration of Independence written in?
a) Philadelphia
b) New York City
c) Boston
d) Washington D.C.

What was the city of troublemakers around the time of the American Revolution?
a) Annapolis
b) New York
c) Philadelphia
d) Boston

What was the first battle of the American Revolution?
a) Lexington
b) Yorktown
c) Paris

What was the last battle of the American Revolution?
a) Lexington
b) Concord
c) Yorktown
d) Gettysburg

In the French and Indian War, who won?
a) France
b) England
c) Indians

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