Chapter 17: Lightning Thief Question Preview (ID: 48570)

Questions About Chapter 17 In The Lightning Thief. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What kind of vehicle did they jump into?
a) limo
b) hummer
c) taxi
d) bus

What did Percy do when they got to the beach
a) built a sandcastle
b) walked into the ocean
c) put out a towel and laid out
d) went swimming

What rubbed at his leg
a) A Mako shark
b) a dolphin
c) a seaturtle
d) a jellyfish

Where did the shark take Percy?
a) to a boat
b) to an underground castle
c) deep into the ocean; about 150 feet below sea level
d) to Poseidon

Who came to Percy
a) a Neried
b) Nemo
c) a mermaid
d) Poseidon

What does the Nereid give Percy?
a) a picture
b) pearls
c) seashells
d) sand dollars

Who did Percy see on a TV in the appliance store
a) Smelly Gabe and his mom
b) Smelly Gabe and Ares
c) Smelly Gabe and Barabara Walters
d) Smelly Gabe and Luke

What happens to Grover and Annabeth?
a) Crusty pushes them out the door and makes them leave
b) Crusty pushes them on the floor
c) Crusty eats them
d) Crusty pushes them on a water bed and ropes trap them there

What is Crusty's real name?
a) Crusty
b) Crusty crab
c) Procustes
d) Crustinator

How does Percy Trick Crusty?
a) He gets to him to show him no waves on the waterbed?
b) He gets him to leave the store
c) he gets him to let Grover and Annabeth go free
d) He gets him to show them the Underworld

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