Elements Of Fiction--7th Question Preview (ID: 48564)
Vocabulary Test.
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Surprise ending
a) Conclusion the reader does not expect
b) Character does not change in the story
c) Events that make up the story
d) Hint or clue about what will happen in the story
a) The introduction
b) Hint or clue about what will happen in the story
c) Events that occur as a result of the central conflict
d) Something used to represent something else
Rising action
a) Events that occur as a result of the central conflict
b) Something used to represent something else
c) Main character of the story
d) Person, animals, or things participating in the story
a) Person, animals, or things participating in the story
b) The conflict is solved
c) Comparing 2 things using like or as
d) A reason to act a certain way
a) The time and place of the story
b) A reason to act a certain way
c) Force in opposition of the protagonist
d) Formation of mental pictures
a) Formation of mental pictures
b) The main idea
c) A struggle between 2 forced
d) The introduction
a) Main character of the story
b) The introduction
c) Making a thing, idea, or animal do something only humans would do
d) A struggle between 2 forces
a) A struggle between 2 forces
b) The feeling you have throughout the story
c) Conclusion the reader does not expect
d) Force in opposition of the protagonist
a) Force in opposition of the protagonist
b) Character undergoes an important change
c) Formation of mental pictures
d) The main idea
a) Character does not change in the story
b) The main idea
c) The introduction
d) Making a thing, idea, or animal do something only humans would do
a) Making a thing, idea, or animal do something only humans would do
b) A reason to act a certain way
c) A struggle between 2 forces
d) The feeling you have throughout the story
a) The feeling you have throughout the story
b) Hint or clue about what will happen in the story
c) Conclusion the reader does not expect
d) The time and place of the story
a) The time and place of the story
b) Formation of mental pictures
c) The conflict is solved
d) Character undergoes an important change
a) Character undergoes an important change
b) Character does not change in the story
c) Comparing 2 things using like or as
d) Events that make up the story
a) Events that make up the story
b) Something used to represent something else
c) Hint or clue about what will happen in the story
d) Events that occur as a result of the central conflict
a) Events that occur as a result of the central conflict
b) Something used to represent something else
c) Main character of the story
d) Making a thing, idea, or animal do something only humans would do
a) Making a thing, idea, or animal do something only humans would do
b) A struggle between 2 forces
c) The main idea
d) The feeling you have throughout the story
a) A feeling you have throughout the story
b) Conclusion the reader does not expect
c) The time and place of the story
d) The conflict is solved
a) The conflict is solved
b) Character undergoes an important change
c) Person, animals, or things participating in the story
d) Character does not change in the story
a) Character does not change in the story
b) Events that make up the story
c) Hint or clue about what will happen in the story
d) Events that occur as a result of the central conflict
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