Unit 2 Horror 8th Grade Question Preview (ID: 48514)

Review Of Skills And Vocabulary Students Will Encounter On Their Unit Exam. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the main purpose of the Media Analysis?
a) Describe how Stephen King's writing effects the modern reader.
b) Explain that the weight and heft of the book directly compare to the weight of the pain and fear the characters experience.
c) Analyze the theme of horror and fear in the book.

Why does the author use the rhetorical question at the end of the first paragraph?
a) highlight that fear and violence are as heavy as that huge book
b) explore the connections to the story
c) give examples of the theme

How does the author use description of the book to support her purpose?
a) She compares herself with the weight and fear she feels when she encountered a killer clown.
b) She compares King's ability to frighten all readers within each story that he has written for the past 30 years.
c) She uses description to provide the reader an idea of how bulky and huge the book is; as is the pain, fear in the book.

Which sentence in paragraph 1, is the reason the author speculates King left the book lengthy and with less edits?the
a) Stephen King wanted the book incredibly heavy so that IT would actually hurt.
b) Stephen King simply wanted to put it out in the world un-edited.
c) There is not connection between the weight of the book and the metaphorical themes of the story.

In the first sentence of paragraph 2, what can you infer is the meaning of the word reprise?
a) An exploration between the setting and characters
b) repeated passage, repeated passage in music
c) adding additional books

In the Monkey's Paw, how many days between wish 1 and wish 2?
a) 10
b) 9
c) 1

In the Monkey's Paw, who gave the White family the paw?
a) Mr's White's fahter
b) Colonel Sanders
c) Sergeant Major Morris

In The Tell Tale Heart, why did he not kill the old man the first seven nights?
a) He was too nervous to murder him on the other nights
b) The vulture eye was not open on the other nights
c) He waited until the cops were not in his area

In the Raven, what Bust was above his door?
a) Pallas
b) Zeus
c) Apollo

In the Raven, who did the poet mourn? ( sad over)
a) Veronica Vaughn
b) Annabell Lee
c) Lenore

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