Drama Review Question Preview (ID: 48505)

CBA Practice - Unit 2B. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The motif (images, ideas, sounds, or words) that help to explain a theme of Sold -
a) Tali
b) cucumbers
c) rice
d) Namaste

Which words support the conclusion that BENEATHA has a crush on Asagai Joseph Asagai?
a) he's an intellectual
b) Asagai doesn't care how houses look.
c) Of course I've missed you.
d) He's been studying in Canada all summer.

In paragraphs 14-18, which words help you understand the meaning of the word insecticide?
a) reenters...marching out of there
b) swings the spray gun...hurt the roaches
c) She screams...You better get over there behind the bureau
d) look out...it would hurt him

What can you conclude after reading this opening scene from Lorraine Hansberry’s play?
a) the four characters enjoy keeping their home clean.
b) MAMA hasn't cleaned the walls in a long time.
c) the four characters are expecting company.
d) Travis is bored.

The stage directions in paragraph 10 provide evidence that Walter has -
a) something to hide from MAMA.
b) does not want to disturb MAMA.
c) just woke up.
d) is planning a surprise for his family.

The dialogue in paragraph 22 establishes that -
a) the family members are getting along.
b) MAMA has nothing to hide
c) there is something MAMA is not saying out loud for others to hear.
d) MAMA is the boss of the house

In paragraph 17, the word Drily means -
a) free from liquid
b) in a matter of fact or ironically humorous way
c) damp
d) putting holes into an object

The words in a drama that describe the setting, lighting, movement of the performers. thy are usually italicized in the script
a) the director
b) stage directions
c) actor/actress
d) script

The written text of a play/drama
a) the director
b) staging
c) motif
d) script

You can tell the dialogue changes to a different character when -
a) a new name in all caps is on the next scene
b) the plot changes
c) the playwright uses punctuation
d) the director points at the actress/actor

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