8th SS - Unit 6 Review (SS8H5b), Part I Question Preview (ID: 48504)

Unit 6 (SS8H5b), Part I. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did Abraham Lincoln interpret the secession of the South?
a) He believed it was an act of treason.
b) He was in favor of Southern secession.
c) ###
d) ####

The first battle of the Civil War occurred at:
a) Fort Sumter
b) Antietam
c) Old Fort Jackson
d) Bunker Hill

The Confederacy refers to:
a) the Southern states
b) the Northern states
c) border states
d) states on the Pacific coast

More factories, rail lines, and population were found in:
a) the North
b) the South
c) ###
d) ####

How did the Union Army attempt to stop the South from trading?
a) The Union Army set up blockades.
b) The Union Army established tariffs and quotas against the South.
c) Foreign countries were persuaded to issue embargoes against the American South.
d) Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation.

Antietam was the site of:
a) the bloodiest battle of the Civil War
b) the final battle of the Civil War
c) the first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation
d) the capital of the Confederacy

The Emancipation Proclamation was written by:
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Ulysses S. Grant
c) Jefferson Davis
d) William Sherman

The purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation was to:
a) free slaves in the South
b) free all slaves in the U.S.
c) end the slave trade in the U.S.
d) end the Civil War

Over 100,000 slaves in the South:
a) escaped and helped the North during the Civil War
b) became soldiers for the Confederacy
c) lived in Washington, DC
d) launched a huge rebellion in Savannah in 1863

Blue uniforms were worn by:
a) Union soldiers
b) Confederate soldiers
c) Congressmen during the Civil War
d) nurses in the Civil War

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