Suffix WPM Question Preview (ID: 48503)

Suffixes -er, -est, -ful, -ic, -ing, -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition, -ity, -ty, -ive, -ative, -itive, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -ous, -eous, -ious, -s, -es, -y. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This suffix group means - act; process
a) -ity, -ty
b) -ous, -eous, -ious
c) -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition
d) -ive, -ative, -itive

This suffix means - more
a) -er
b) -est
c) -ful
d) -y

This suffix means - state of being; act of
a) -ly
b) -less
c) -ful
d) -ment

This suffix means - most
a) -er
b) -est
c) -ly
d) -ness

This suffix group means - state of
a) -ity, -ty
b) -s, -es
c) -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition
d) -ous, -eous, -ious

This suffix means- state of; condition of
a) -less
b) -ful
c) -ing
d) -ness

This suffix means - full of
a) -ly
b) -ful
c) -ic
d) -y

This suffix group is an adjective form of a noun
a) -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition
b) -ity, -ty
c) -s, -es
d) --ive, -ative, -itive

This suffix group means - having qualities of
a) -ous, -eous, -ious
b) -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition
c) -ity, -ty
d) -ive, -ative, -itive

This suffix means - having characteristics of
a) -ful
b) -ic
c) -er
d) -ly

The suffix that means - without
a) -ic
b) -ness
c) -less
d) -y

The suffix group that means - more than one
a) -est, -er
b) -s, -es
c) -ous, -eous, -ious
d) -y, -ly

The suffix that is the present participle verb form
a) -ness
b) -est
c) -ly
d) -ing

The suffix that means - how something is
a) -less
b) -ness
c) -y
d) -ly

The suffix that means - characterized by
a) -ic
b) -y
c) -less
d) -ful

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