Atoms Question Preview (ID: 48499)

Atoms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the amount of matter in an object?
a) mass
b) Peanut Butter
c) Jelly
d) protons

How many subatomic particles did we discuss ?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

What subatomic particle has a positive charge?
a) Proton
b) electron
c) Neutron

What subatomic particle has a minus charge?
a) proton
b) Neutron
c) electron

What subatomic particle has no charge?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron

There are three different kinds of subatomic particles. How many are in the nucleus?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

There are three different kinds of subatomic particles. How many are located in shells surrounding the nucleus?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

What two subatomic particles are in the nucleus of an atom
a) Protons and electrons
b) Electrons and neutrons
c) protons and neutrons

Which subatomic particle orbits the nucleus in shells?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron

Which two subatomic particle are always equal in an atom?
a) Proton and electron
b) proton and neutron
c) electron and neutron

atoms can be found in
a) solids
b) liquids
c) gasses
d) all states of matter

What is the shape of an atom
a) square
b) round
c) triangle
d) octagon

The atomic number will tell you the number of
a) protons
b) neutrons
c) electrons

To find the atomic mass you must add which two subatomic particles?
a) proton and nuetron
b) proton and electron
c) electron and neutron

what is the center of an atom called
a) orbit
b) shell
c) nucleus

Most of an atom's mass is located in the
a) nucleus
b) electron shells
c) electron orbits

in an isotope the amount of which subatomic particle can be changed?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron

if an atom does not have the same number of protons and electrons it is now an
a) non charged atom
b) ion

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