African Kingdoms Question Preview (ID: 48495)

Mali, Ghana, Songhai. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these does not identify one of the African Kingdoms?
a) Mali
b) Zhou
c) Ghana
d) Songhai

Which trade item allowed the African Kingdoms to become wealthy?
a) Salt
b) Silver
c) Paper
d) Cloth

What method of travel was used frequently on the trade routes in the Trans-Saharan Trade Network?
a) Horseback Riding
b) Carts
c) Caravans
d) Irrigation

Why were camels useful for travel?
a) they could carry heavy loads
b) they needed to stop frequently for water
c) They were smaller than horses

How did Mansa Musa unite Africa?
a) He sold the gold they had for money
b) He gained control of the trade routes
c) He conquered all the other Kingdoms

How did Mansa Musa destabilize Africa's money system?
a) He gave out so much gold that it became worthless
b) He kept all the gold to himself
c) He put his face on all the money

What desert contained many trade routes for the African Kingdoms?
a) Sahara
b) Songhai
c) Serbian

How did Ghana obtain their wealth based on their location?
a) They charged merchants a tax to enter and to leave
b) They stole access to the gold and salt mines
c) They charged all citizens a tax and used the money to pay for their needs

Which empire was considered 'The Final Great Kingdom'?
a) Ghana
b) Songhai
c) Mali

Which statement is true of the Trans-Saharan Trade Routes?
a) It allowed for easier trade and slavery grew during this time
b) It made trade easier and led to more attacks on Kingdoms
c) It allowed for easier trade and slavery was reduced during this time
d) It made trade easier and led to a system of roads between kingdoms

The exchange of goods/services without the use of money defines what term:
a) Credit
b) Capital
c) Barter
d) Scarcity

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