Study Skills Chapter 6 Question Preview (ID: 48487)

Note Taking Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Taking good notes makes a visual reminder of what happens on a particular day.
a) True
b) False

When you take notes, they should be able to be used by others to study from.
a) True
b) False

The best way to take notes from an instructor in class is by writing down full sentences.
a) True
b) False

Abbreviations should only be used when you are writing a large word, and it is being repeated often.
a) True
b) False

When taking notes, it is best to use your own words, not those of your instructor.
a) True
b) False

Summary paper is used to take Mind Map notes
a) True
b) False

What instructors say and how they say it gives you clues to what's important to write down.
a) True
b) False

What instructors say and how they say it gives you clues to what's important to write down.
a) True
b) False

The tools for note taking can include:
a) summary paper and an erasable pen
b) plain white paper and an erasable pen
c) textbooks and class handouts
d) summary paper, plain white paper, and an erasable pen

Which of the following is NOT a good reason to take notes?
a) to review and study from
b) to aid in discussions
c) to have something to do while the instructor talks
d) to establish main ideas

An effective note-taking habit is to always
a) date and title every page
b) use only one side of the paper
c) use an audio recorder
d) date and title every page and use only one side of the paper

The recall column can be used for many things EXCEPT
a) details
b) questions
c) vocabulary words
d) formulas

To figure out what questions might be included on a test, you should
a) pay attention to your instructor's verbal or personality clues
b) ask another student who took the course last year
c) take good notes from your text assignments
d) pay attention to your instructor's verbal or personality clues and take good notes from your text assignments

Mind Mapping should be used to take notes
a) by a random learner in a sequential instructor's class
b) when you like to add color to your notes
c) by a sequential learner in a random instructor's class
d) when the information is organized into an outline

The Cornell Method should be used to take notes
a) by a random learner in a sequential instructor's class
b) when you like to add color to your notes
c) by a sequential learner in a random instructor's class
d) when the information is organized into an outline

Which is NOT an instructor's verbal clue for taking notes?
a) when they compare and contrast
b) when they pause
c) when they define a concept
d) when they present material in chronological order

Instructors use __________________________clues to tell students when something is important enough to write down
a) Action
b) Body language
c) Word
d) none of these

When creating an informal outline, you must place the most important pieces of information closest to the margin and less important pieces farther away.
a) True
b) False

The recall column-in Cornell Notes, is on the right side of the page
a) True
b) False

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