Need To Know Terms - Plants (7-16) Question Preview (ID: 48481)
Need To Know Terms - Plants.
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a plant that has seeds unprotected by an ovary or fruit
a) Gymnosperm
b) Style
c) Xylem
d) Sepal
a long, slender stalk that connects the stigma and the ovary in a flower
a) Stomata
b) Xylem
c) Sepal
d) Style
a thin layer of cells covering the soft parts of a plant
a) Style
b) Dermal tissue
c) Gymnosperm
d) Phloem
a flowering plant's unit of reproduction
a) Anther
b) Stamen
c) Seed
d) Sepal
the vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolved nutrients upward from the root and also helps to form the woody element in the stem
a) Xylem
b) Gymnosperm
c) Phloem
d) Stomata
structures that enclose the petals and are typically green and leaflike
a) Stomata
b) Gymnosperm
c) Sepal
d) Phloem
very small openings on the surface of leaves through which water and gas pass
a) Xylem
b) Sepal
c) Anther
d) Stomata
the part of a stamen that produces and contains pollen and is usually borne on a stalk
a) Dermal tissue
b) Gymnosperm
c) Anther
d) Style
the male fertilizing organ of a flower, typically consisting of a pollen-containing anther and a filament
a) Stamen
b) Style
c) Sepal
d) Seed
the living tissue in plants that transports food made during photosynthesis
a) Gymnosperm
b) Phloem
c) Xylem
d) Dermal tissue
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