7-3.1 French Revolution Question Preview (ID: 48479)

French Revolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the French Revolution?
a) unfair social division
b) extravagant spending
c) religious differences
d) government debt

What did NOT inspire the French Revolution?
a) American Revolution
b) Rise of Napoleon
c) Ideas of John Locke
d) The Enlightenment

What is a characteristic of the National Convention, Jacobins, and Maximilien Robespierre?
a) radical
b) conservative
c) liberal
d) religious

What was a characteristic of the Directory?
a) liberal
b) conservative
c) religious
d) radical

What did the creation of the National Assembly symbolize for France?
a) the end of the revolution and the reestablishment of an absolute monarch
b) the beginning of an absolute monarchy and an end of divine right of kings
c) the beginning of an absolute form of government and an end to representative legislature
d) the end of an absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government

What was the uniform system of laws Napoleon Bonaparte created for France?
a) Hammurabi's Code
b) Justinian's Code
c) Napoleonic Code
d) Declaration of Human Rights

Who led the Reign of Terror?
a) King Louis XVI
b) Maximilien Robespierre
c) Napoleon Bonaparte
d) The Pope and his cardinals

Which group of people paid the majority of taxes, were underrepresented in government, and made up the Third Estate?
a) foreigners
b) the Roman Catholic clergy
c) the nobility
d) lawyers, merchants, and peasants

Which estate included the clergy?
a) the First Estate
b) the Second Estate
c) the Third Estate
d) the Fourth Estate

Which event represented the beginning of the French Revolution?
a) Storming of the Bastille
b) Reign of Terror
c) Tennis Court Oath
d) Forming of the National Assembly

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