Milkweed: Quiz Ch. 6-10 Question Preview (ID: 48450)
Milkweed: Quiz Ch. 6-10.
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In Chapter 6, what does Stopthief realize about the man being forced by the Jackboots to clean the sidewalk with his beard?
a) He is a Gypsy
b) He is an American
c) He is a Jackboot
d) He is a Jew
In Chapter 6, what does Uri reveal about his past?
a) He had a little brother.
b) He used to be rich and powerful.
c) He is actually American.
d) He thinks stealing is wrong.
In Chapter 7, Stopthief says he wants to be a Jackboot some day. Why is that a bad idea?
a) Jackboots get more food and better clothing than others.
b) Jackboots hate Gypsies and Jews and want to hurt them.
c) Jackboots are all Americans.
d) Uri is already a Jackboot.
In Chapter 7, the story that Uri tells Stopthief about his real name being Misha Pilsudski and what happened to his family is real.
a) True
b) False
In Chapter 8, what does Misha do when he attends Janina's birthday party?
a) He brings her a glass kitten as a special gift.
b) He gives her back the tomatoes he stole from her garden.
c) He takes the birthday cake and runs away with it.
d) He sings a special birthday song he wrote for her.
In Chapter 8, what does Misha witness happening outside the Jewish businesses?
a) He sees the Jackboots on parade.
b) He sees Uri steal a bag of gold coins from an old lady.
c) He sees Janina give away the bread he had left for her.
d) He sees people vandalizing Jewish property and threatening Jews.
In Chapter 8, why do Uri and Misha have to leave the cellar under the barbershop in the middle of the night?
a) The Jackboots find them.
b) The owner of the barbershop returns and chases them away.
c) It is too cold to stay there anymore.
d) They can now afford an apartment to live in.
In Chapter 9, who does Misha begin bringing bread to?
a) The rich lady and the dentist
b) Orphans and Janina
c) Olek and Enos
d) The Jackboots
In Chapter 10, how does Misha become injured while trying to leave food at the girl's house?
a) Uri attacks him.
b) He falls from the bridge over the river.
c) He is run down by a carriage.
d) A Jackboot shoot him in the ear.
In Chapter 10, why does Misha want to believe in angels?
a) He wants to believe that someone will help him.
b) He wants revenge on the boy he fought with.
c) He wants to have candy to give to Uri
d) He wants a new car to drive.
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