GKE Investigation 1 Question Preview (ID: 48437)

Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Gravity. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To calculate the speed and velocity, you must use which formula?
a) momentum x time
b) distance x time
c) distance divided by time
d) momentum divided by time

The main difference between speed and velocity is that velocity includes
a) there is no difference
b) magnitude
c) direction
d) units

Total distance divided by total time equals
a) average speed
b) instantaneous speed
c) momentum
d) acceleration

What is your speed if you walked 100 miles in 1/2 an hour?
a) 50 h/mi
b) 200 mi/h
c) 50 mi/h
d) 200 h/mi

5 m/s/s could also be written as:
a) 5 meters
b) 5 meters per minute
c) 5 meters per second squared
d) it can't be written any other way

Which object has the greatest force of gravity?
a) a basketball
b) a softball
c) Earth
d) Moon

What is weight?
a) The measure of how heavy something is.
b) The measure of how much gravity pulls on an object.
c) Both answers are correct.
d) No answers are correct.

What is mass?
a) The amount of matter in a substance
b) The amount gravity pulls on an object
c) How much something weighs
d) None of these options

What happens to gravitational force if the distance between two objects increases?
a) It stays the same
b) It gets weaker
c) It gets stronger
d) The force won't change unless mass changes.

An object can be accelerating even if its speed is constant if it:
a) moves in a straight line
b) changes direction
c) comes to a stop
d) acceleration must be moving faster

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