Greek And Latin Roots - 1st Quarter Game 1 Question Preview (ID: 48433)

Use These To Help You Study For The 1st Quarter Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

starting, stopping, then starting again
a) memoir
b) intermittent
c) motive
d) admonish

a person sent by the Church to teach about faith
a) patriarchal
b) patronize
c) missionary
d) motive

capable of movement, usually in bacteria
a) motile
b) mobile
c) immobilize
d) admonish

able to move from one place to another, such as a car or plane
a) motile
b) mobile
c) immobilize
d) admonish

a large, heavily populated city
a) megalopolis
b) megalith
c) migrate
d) Immobilize

having to do with water
a) marsh
b) emmigrate
c) marine
d) summon

to speak in a way that expresses diapproval
a) emmigrate
b) admonish
c) summon
d) monitor

to order someone to a place, especially in court
a) emmigrate
b) missionary
c) immigrate
d) summon

to leave one's country
a) emmigrate
b) immigration
c) migrate
d) missionary

a story of a person's life, especially a small segment of time
a) memoir
b) emmigrate
c) memorialize
d) monitor

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