Physical And Chemical Changes Question Preview (ID: 48427)

Physical And Chemical Changes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Dissolving is an example of a
a) physical change
b) chemical change

During a chemical change atoms are never lost or gained to make the new substances.
a) true
b) false

A substance that undergoes a physical change, like melting is still the same substance.
a) true
b) false

Which is a physical change?
a) leaves changing color in the fall
b) a person's skin tanning in the sun
c) a paper turning from white to red with paint
d) flamingos turning pink from their diet

Which is a physical change?
a) burning a log in a campfire
b) baking cookies
c) digesting food
d) breaking a glass windshield

Which is a physical change?
a) the identity of the item is different than before
b) a new substance is formed
c) the bonds holding atoms together are broken
d) the identity of the item is the same as before

Which is a chemical change?
a) boiling water
b) freezing water
c) making water by joining oxygen and hydrogen atoms
d) dissolving salt in water

Which is a physical change?
a) the production of light
b) the creation of heat
c) a change in shape
d) a new smell

What is NOT a physical characteristic?
a) the item is still itself
b) something new is created
c) the item can change state
d) the change can often be reversed

Breaking of an object is an example of a
a) physical change
b) chemical change

Breaking bonds and forming new ones is an example of a
a) chemical change
b) physical change

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