Porifera Review Question Preview (ID: 48409)

Zoology Review Sponges. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following are consumed by sponges
a) tiny fish
b) bacteria
c) organic matter (waste)
d) sponges consume all of these

This reproductive strategy allows for a large population of offspring with very little investment.
a) internal fertilization
b) external fertilization
c) fragmentation
d) all of these are correct

This reproductive form employed by sponges allows for survival through dry or cold periods
a) internal fertilization
b) fragmentation
c) gemmulation
d) budding

Organisms that eat sponges
a) humans
b) reindeer
c) certain insect larvae
d) tadpoles

Which form of reproduction does not allow for greater variation?
a) internal fertilization
b) gemmulation
c) external fertilization
d) all of the above

Body form with many choanocyte lined cavities joined by multiple canals
a) leuconoid
b) syconoid
c) asconoid
d) both leuconoid and syconoid

Body form with single osculum but thicker body wall because of infolding
a) syconoid
b) asconoid
c) leuconoid
d) paranoid

External outgrowth develops into a tiny individual which eventually detaches and grows to adult.
a) fragmentation and regeneration
b) gemmulation
c) budding
d) all of these

Which of the following does NOT describe the Phylum Porifera?
a) sessile adults
b) autotrophs
c) filter feeders
d) multicellular

Which of the following does NOT apply to the Phylum Porifera
a) well-organized tissues
b) sometimes carnivorous
c) metazoans
d) efficient filtering helps coral reefs thrive

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