Fighting Starts In The Revolutionary War Question Preview (ID: 48402)

Use Pages 60-61 In Your Textbook To Answer The Following Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Boston Tea Party caused the ________ and __________ to get very angry (60)
a) king and parliament
b) colonists and British
c) Indians and colonists
d) *

Parliament ________ the colonists because of the Boston Tea Party, closing the Boston Harbor so no ships could go in or out. ( 60)
a) congratulated
b) loved
c) punished
d) *

A group of leaders from all over the colonies met in Philadelphia in 1774. They said the colonists had a right to say what their laws should be. They were called the _______________. ( 60)
a) Continental Congress
b) Redcoats
c) minutement
d) *

The Continental Congress said that if Britain used ________, the colonists would fight back. (60)
a) peace offerings
b) force
c) mean letters
d) *

Many colonial farmers and businessmen began to _______________. (61)
a) run away
b) arm themselves
c) lock their houses.
d) *

The colonial farmers and businessmen that armed themselves called each other _________ because they were ready to fight in a minute.
a) Japanese
b) Middle Colonies
c) minutemen
d) *

British troops were called ____________. (60)
a) Bluecoats
b) Redcoats
c) Minutemen
d) *

On the night of April 18, 1775, ______________ rode from farm to farm and called to the minutemen saying, The British are coming!
a) Paul Revere
b) George Washington
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) *

The Battle of Lexington lasted only _________ minutes.
a) 10
b) 12
c) 15
d) *

What is a war against your own government?
a) Republic
b) Revolution
c) Riot
d) *

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